Home Remedies For Cancer | RemedyBuzz

Home Remedies For Cancer

Cancer occurs due to uncontrolled growth of a group cells. This is also known as malignancy. Cancer can be of 100 types which include breast cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma. The home remedies for cancer can aid the medical treatment, the cancer patient undergoes.
The growth of these useless cells which finely result in a shapeless tumor is something which can be become dangerous to the body. The tumor grows rapidly and can occur anywhere in the body. Although it is operated upon, there are chances for its recurrence at some other place. If untreated, the tumor can grow and at times can even burst out. 

Causes For Cancer

The exact cause for this deadly disease is not known. However, researchers feel that many factors are responsible for it. Some of the causes that can lead to cancer are listed below:
  • Tobacco smoke contains a powerful carcinogen which can cause lung cancer
  • Age can be another factor as older people are some common victims of cancer. This is because the cancerous cells take time to develop.
  • Genetic mutations within the cells have a possibility of becoming cancerous at the latter stage of life. For instances the breast cancer genes are some example for such kind of genetic predisposition.
  • Problems with the immune system are likely to get some types of cancer.
  • The environment which is full of tobacco smoke, natural and man made radiation, the sun, asbestos and other work place hazards may all help to cause cancer.
  • Viruses can cause some genetic changes in the cells that can become cancerous.
  • Recent study have shown that bacterial infection such as the helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach has a higher risk to develop into a stomach cancer.
Symptoms For Cancer

To be precise there is no specific signs or symptoms for cancer. The best and the most appropriate thing you can do to limit the risk factors by undergoing the appropriate screening. Sometimes the signs that cancer can give may be explained to be harmless. However, if certain symptoms are seen, then the doctor may ask you for further evaluation.
  • Persistent cough that may have blood tinged saliva
  • If you have cough that lasts for a month with blood in the mucus should immediately see the doctor.
  • Change in the bowel habits. People having colon cancer may have pencil-thin stools
  • In special cases cancer patients can exhibit diarrhea
  • Blood in the stool
  • Unexplained anemia
  • Breast lump or there can be a breast discharge
  • Lumps in the testicles
  • Persistent lumps or swollen glands
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding or any kind of discharge
Early detection is not an easy procedure because in the beginning the patient does not feel any sort of inconvenience. Nevertheless, cancer is curable when detected at an early stage.
The home based remedies for cancer can go hand in hand with the medical treatment which includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. The patient has to be strong both physically and mentally.
  • Cauliflower juice is beneficial for cancer. Having a half glass of the juice on an empty stomach everyday can help you considerably for treating cancer.
  • Cabbage juice is another alternative for treating cancer. Drink a half cup of the cabbage juice on an empty stomach on daily basis. This is quite effective when taken at an early stage of cancer.
  • Carrots too are found to be effective for such kind of diseases. They are rich in anti-toxi-cant. Two glasses of the juice should be taken ideally before breakfast in the morning and the other in the evening.
  • You can mix the carrot juice with some spinach juice as well. This is found to effective for cancer.
Depending on the type of cancer involved, the effectiveness of these cancer home remedies may differ. These remedies can improve the condition of the cancer patients.
  • One of the best and a common herb known to everyone is the garlic. For people having skin cancer should get a slice of the garlic and place on the affected area. Repeat this for three day. If your skin burns discontinue its use immediately. If the skin cancer growth remains, try this method again in few days.
  • Aloe Vera leaves contains man-nan which is a stimulant to active the immune system. For patients undergoing radiation therapy can rub some aloe Vera onto the skin and the affected area. This can heal any kind of radiation burn.
  • For breast cancer, omega-3 fatty acids have proved to be helpful. This reduces inflammation that can occur throughout the body. The omega-3 fatty acids are popular for cancer-preventive qualities. A rich source of these fatty acids is flax seed oil. Other known sources include walnuts, soybeans, halibut, snapper, winter squash.
  • A ginger compress is another effective method for cancer patients. For this you need to grate some ginger which should be enough to fill a small cotton bag. Boil some water and then squeeze the ginger juice into the water. After this put the ginger bag in to seep for some time say five minutes. Now dip a clean towel into the hot ginger water and squeeze it to dry. Place this towel over the area that requires treatment. Note that the heat should be tolerable. Keep changing the towel after 2-3 minutes when it cools down. This should be done ideally for minimum of 10 minutes until the skin turns red.
  • Another method to speed up the recovery is to starve off the cancer cells and drawing out the toxins and tumors with the help of taro potato plaster.
The above mentioned home remedies for cancer can be helpful to treat the condition and speed up the recovery!


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