Causes And Cures Of Night Cough | RemedyBuzz

Causes And Cures Of Night Cough

Causes And Cures Of Night Cough

You do not feel any symptom of sickness all through the day. All of a sudden, you start coughing very badly in the night. Apart from taking some medicine or cough syrup and thinking that it will subside, have you ever thought about the reason behind it?

There are quite a number of reasons why a night cough is caused. Here are some of those coughing at night causes for your benefit so that you should not wait until it is too late because some of the causes of a night cough are quite dangerous. A night cough is caused due to many reasons which can be categorized as allergic causes, inflammatory causes, life-threatening causes and others. Asthma is an important reason behind a night cough. Though facing difficulty in taking the breath is the most known symptom of Asthma, it also causes a night cough.

 Some of the allergies caused by pollen, foods, animal dander and medicines also lead to coughing at night. While the above two mentioned causes come under the category of allergic causes, inflammatory causes include acute bronchitis, cold, COPD, croup, influenza, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Tuberculosis and sinusitis. While croup which is a viral illness can be held as the common reason for persistent night cough among the kids, chronic bronchitis caused due to smoking is a common cause among adults. Some of the coughings at night causes can be dangerous as well.

Hence it is not always desirable to underestimate a night cough. A sometimes night cough can be a symptom of highly serious situations such as pulmonary oedema, congestive heart failure, lung cancer etc. These diseases do demand immediate treatment. There are yet another set of reasons responsible for a night cough. They include the GERD which can be expanded as gastroesophageal reflux disease, air irritation etc. Hence it is always suggested to visit a doctor without ignoring the cough as a minor ailment which will reduce on its own.

 At this point, that is after having an idea of the causes of a night cough, it is important to have some knowledge about the treatment to avoid persistent night cough. A cough caused due to allergies and due to some minor diseases such as cold can be treated with cough syrups and medicines. There are also some alternatives to this. Sipping hot green tea can be an effective treatment. It is also known for curing upper respiratory infection symptoms.

 Taking the required amount of fluids will also do. This would lead to a reduction in mucus and helps in controlling the infection. Another effective natural medicine in treating the cough is honey. When added to green tea and consumed, honey amplifies the effect of reducing night cough. Keeping the head high while sleeping may also help to some extent. However, if one could not escape from this irritating cough even after following one or many of the above treatments, they should visit a doctor for sure. Because, if it cannot be cured by any of these, the cause for it will undoubtedly be something serious which should be properly diagnosed and treated such as reflux, asthma, bronchitis etc. 


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