Health Benefits Of Soy | RemedyBuzz

Health Benefits Of Soy

Health Benefits Of Soy

Soy has gained immense popularity as a health food these days.? It is becoming increasingly fashionable to become vegetarian for a healthy lifestyle.? With the desire to turn vegetarian, it has also become fashionable to abstain from milk products.

This leads the newly converted vegetarian to look for alternatives to the main staples of his/her previous diet.? Soy fits the bill, because it is versatile and can be used to create many food items, for e.g. milk, cheese, butter and even fake meat.

Soya beans are a legume.? They originally were cultivated in Eastern Asia. These grow in hairy pods.? In China, during the reign of Chou Dynasty, this was considered a sacred grain, along with rice, barley, millet and wheat

Soy is good for the heart, and also for the bones, prostrate and immune system.? Soy comes from soybean which is a popular crop of Asia.? This is then harvested and processed into the soy granules, soy cakes, nuggets, and also the soy nut that are packaged and sold in the market. Lately, soy nuts are gaining a lot of popularity because they are good for health and their crunchy texture and nutty flavour makes it a popular snack, which is both healthy and tasty

Soy is a high protein food that contains amino acids that the body needs.? It has very little fat content and is entirely cholesterol free.

Soya, in any form, is an excellent source of essential fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, lecithin, riboflavin, thiamin, fiber, foliate (folic acid), and iron.? It has many health benefits, it gives us an improved immune system, healthy bones, stronger heart and the fiber content is good for the body.? It is prescribed in the regular diet of heart patients and diabetics.

A few health benefits of soy include minimization of the risk of developing heart disease, prevention of the deadly prostrate cancer, improved bone density, boosting the immune system and many more. Soy, since has a rich content of fiber, aids diabetic patients by lowering their blood sugar level. So, add soy to your daily meals for health. Popular soy foods to be eaten are tofu, tempeh, soy milk, soy protein bars and of course soy nuggets or nuts in salads.


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