Herbal Remedies For Hypothyroidism | RemedyBuzz

Herbal Remedies For Hypothyroidism

Searching herbal remedies for hypothyroidism? Countless herbal medicines are said to address hypothyroidism but there are only handful herbs known to best cure iodine deficiency.

What Is Hypothyroidism?

Herbal Remedies For Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism refers to underactive or underdeveloped thyroid which appears when the thyroid gland fails to produce the normal amount of thyroxine, a form of thyroid hormones wholly produced by the glands and is responsible for important bodily functions, such as heart rate, physical growth, digestive conditions and brain development. When not properly addressed, hypothyroidism causes mental retardation, abnormal and malfunctioning organs and tissues in almost every part of the body. In the worst case, it is shown to cause life-threatening conditions.


Medical experts agree that hypothyroidism is caused by Hashimoto’s disease, also known as chronic thyroiditis. It is actually the inflammation of the thyroid gland. When acquired, the immune system malfunctions and treats the thyroid gland as a foreign material. Anti-bodies attack the glands as if it is not part of the human body, resulting to malfunctioning of the gland and the consequent reduction in the production of thyroxine. Of course, there are other causes of the disease, such as radiation, toxins, surgery, microbes, birth defects and other glandular malfunctions, among others.

Top 8 herbal cures

The following are the 8 best known herbal medicines for hypothyroidism:

1. Bladder wrack – also called rockweed or sea oak. It is very prevalent in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and coastal regions in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In 1811, it was discovered to produce a substantial amount of iodine, used as a treatment for goiter. It is the best known herbal cure for hypothyroidism and goiter, as reported in the British Herbal Compendium of the British Herbal Medicine Association.

2. Bugleweed – sometimes called gypsywort, is indigenous to Europe, northeast Asia, and North America. Its most potent herb species is lycupus virginicus. It helps normalize super active thyroid glands.

3. Lemon balm – this herb should not be confused with bee balm. Its leaves have a mild lemon scent. The plant can be taken medicinally as a tea or as a plant extract. Normally, it is combined with bladder wrack and bugleweed in various combinations to get the maximum desired curative effect for hypothyroidism. Its essential oil is very popular in aroma therapy.

4. Hawthorne berry – its extracts are taken orally and helps protect the heart and other vascular malfunctions due to hypothyroidism.

5. Licorice – a root of a legume native to southern Europe and parts of Asia. It is taken in powder form, normally dissolved and taken as a hot beverage. It helps the endocrine system, having rich content of isoflavones, naturally occurring organic anti-oxidants. It is also an adaptogen that is largely responsible in improving conditions in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands.

6. Gotu kola – is a small herbaceous annual plant most commonly found in various parts in Asia, especially Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, among others. Long used as a popular health tonic drink in Thailand, it is also used as an additional ingredient for fresh salads. It is a natural adaptogen. A particular species found in Sri Lanka is known to be the best tonic for the brain and the endocrine glands. It is normally taken as a medicinal food.

7. Guggulu – a flowering shrub or small tree abundant in northern Africa to central Asia, including northern India. It excretes a sap that is made of a resin called guggulipid. According to the leading Live Sciences (Volume 65), the substance found in the resin is known to cure various adrenal ailments, including hypothyroidism.

8. Siberian ginseng – is a small woody shrub belonging to a different family of ginseng. Its extracts contain rich amount of triterpenoid saponins and eleutherosides, which are effective for hormone receptors and are known to enhance the immune system.

Early prevention and use of naturally grown herbal medicines will help prevent advanced cases of hypothyroidism.


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