Herbal Remedies for Psoriasis | RemedyBuzz

Herbal Remedies for Psoriasis

Although not contagious, alternative health experts continue to develop herbal remedies for psoriasis primarily because of its potential to develop into contagious and more serious diseases.  It is a chronic autoimmune disease that also involves inflammation of the affected skin areas.  The skin normally develops scaly silvery skin deposits called psoriatic plaques.  Although more commonly found on the skin on your elbows and knees, psoriasis may also appear on your scalp, genitals and other parts of the body.

To those not tutored well in this skin ailment, psoriasis may also cause social stigma.  It is commonly mistaken for other more serious and contagious skin diseases.  People may stay away from you for the unsightly flaky scales and redness on your skin.  The real cause of psoriasis is not fully understood.

Medical science continues to unravel what causes people from developing psoriatic plaques on their skin.  Right now, there are two most popular theories for this condition.  One school of thought advocates that psoriasis is mainly a disorder resulting from the excessive growth of the skin cells, blaming primarily the epidermis and the keratinocytes.

The other assumption believes that the disease is closely linked to the immune system of the body.  Notably, the T cells, which protect us from an infection inside the body, become super active and tend to move into the dermal layers.  Once found in the dermis, they trigger a chain reaction that releases the cytokines, causing the fast reproduction of skin cells and their eventual inflammation.  Some unhealthy lifestyle habits are suspected of aggravating the condition.  These may be smoking, stress and too much intake of alcoholic drinks.

You may be interested in taking any of these herbal remedies for psoriasis:

1.    Sarsaparilla:

   This is a thorny vine found in Central America.  Ancient Indians were known to mix it with their beverages and tonic drinks.  It was also used to enhance the flavor of their foods.  The plant extract contains elements that help us purify our blood. This leads to better blood flow and enhanced microcirculation in the capillaries.  It is also rich in anti-oxidants, which help us fight the cell-damaging free radicals.

2.    Tumbleweed.  Also known as Psoralen coryliforia, this plant belongs to the legume family and is widely cultivated in many parts of South and Central Asia, among others.  The ancient Ayurvedic medicinal system in India had long considered Tumbleweed as an effective cure for various skin conditions, including psoriasis.  Specifically, its seeds are rich in coumarins, which is actually a known toxin commonly found in many others plants.  It has the ability to cleanse the dermal layers of the skin by increasing its ability in maintaining good balance on the skin surface.

3.    Common Sweet Flag.  This is a perennial plant with notably scented leaves and rhizomes widely used as medicines for varying types of skin ailments.  It is presumably a native of India; Common Sweet Flag was included in the ancient Ayurvedic system because of recognized potent properties in enhancing skin condition.  It cleanses the skin tissues and also aids in keeping the immune system.

Treating psoriasis involves concomitant changes in your lifestyle.  Aside from the harmful substances and practices mentioned earlier at the beginning of this article, you need also to combine all natural food supplements, balanced diet, rehydration and regular exercise.

These also help you maintain moisture and elasticity on the skin surface.  Rolled into one of these herbal medicines, psoriasis could easily be treated without necessarily resorting to relatively more expensive mainstream medicines.


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